Can Chiropractic Care Help Your Numbness To Get Better?

Have you ever sat on a chair hanging your legs in the air? After a long while you feel your legs are not a part of your body anymore. Numbness is when you lose sensation on a particular body part. Numbness is often followed with a tingling sensation. Find out more about numbness on Elevation Health. Nantais Family Chiropractic clinic is best to receive chiropractic care if you are experiencing numbness.

Numbness is not a matter of concern if you get it rarely. Most of the human population have experienced multiple numbness. One should be concerned if they get numbness frequently. Chiropractic adjustment can relieve this symptom. Dr Brian Nantais is a learned chiropractor who has solved the numbness problems for many clients. Consult with Dr Brian Nantais who is an expert in suggesting the proper care for your condition.

If bad postures, low blood circulation, stressed muscle or disturbed joints are causing your numbness, visiting a chiropractor is a good idea. These conditions may appear as numbness at first but can turn into a serious health condition when ignored. With chiropractic care not only the numbness will be gone, as well as you will feel much relaxed and in a better mood for an overall pleasant experience. At Nantais Family Chiropractic, we offer the best services in Tecumseh, Canada.

Dysesthesia is a rare condition and needs more medical attention. To understand the severity of your condition, it is a good idea to consult an expert.

A chiro will suggest some tests such as:

  1.  X-rays, CT scans to understand the issues affecting the nerves and spinal cord.
  2. He may also suggest muscle tests to detect the condition of your muscles.
  3. Neurological tests can detect whether there is any nerve damage.
  4. Orthopedic tests are done to understand the cause of frequent numbness.
  5. A series of motion tests are done to find the underlying reason behind the numbness and tingling.

He might suggest one or mix of these following treatments:

  1. Adjustment
  2. Spinal Manipulation
  3. Fraction
  4. Deep tissue Management
  5. Exercises such as brachial plexus slide and median nerve slide etc.

Seek emergency care if:

  1. You feel numb suddenly
  2. Your numbness affecting entire side of the body
  3. Numbness is quickly spreading to different regions of the body

There are two primary types of numbness the human body may feel: paresthesia and dysesthesia. Paresthesia is common and the human body feels like pinching with a needle while experiencing this. Paresthesia can become frequent with muscle pain, back ache etc. Paraesthesia has significantly increased during recent times because of lack of motion. Disruption in the body’s blood circulation can cause Paraesthesia.

You do not want any medicines to improve your condition, chiros are a reliable option to get treatment for pain related conditions. At Elevation health we take care of your pain related health issues. If you live around Tecumseh, Canada and need any chiropractic assistance, visit  Dr Brian Nantais.

Numbness causes a tingling sensation in your arms, hands, legs or feet. When you sit with your legs crossed or fall asleep on your arms
