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About Numbness

Numbness causes a tingling sensation in your arms, hands, legs or feet. When you sit with your legs crossed or fall asleep on your arms, such a tingling sensation in your legs and arms is very common. If you experience numbness without any cause, it can be a sign of other diseases like carpal tunnel syndrome, diabetes, migraine, and more. 

An injured nerve in your neck or herniated disc can also cause numbness. Treat your complication to take care of your health.

Causes of Numbness

The primary causes of numbness are listed below:


  • Insect or animal bite
  • Seafood toxins
  • Radiation therapy
  • Abnormal amount of b12, potassium, calcium, or sodium
  • Medications
  • Other diseases such as diabetes
  • –>

  • Diabetic/peripheral neuropathy
  • Pinched nerves
  • Disc herniation
  • Medications

Numbness Treatment

A chiropractor finds out the cause of numbness first by applying muscle, neurological, orthopaedics, and range-of-motion tests. After finding the right cause of your numbness, a chiropractor releases irritation and improves alignments of your bone and restores nerve functions. Meet our chiropractor for your treatment.

Our Testimonials

Did you know your spine takes care of your general health? Like you, I also did not know that. I met a chiropractor at Elevation Health for my back pain treatment. The chiropractor adjusted my spine, and it benefits me with reduced headaches and neck pain. My back pain problem gets completely healed. It is the best place for chiropractic care.

Website Testimonial Image   Barb G

I contacted Elevation Health for my back pain problem. I often have headache and neck pain issues also. I thought my prolonged computer work was the reason for the complications, but chiropractors of Elevation Health informed me the reason is the misalignment of my musculoskeletal structure. The treatment process is really effective for my health.

Website Testimonial Image   Pam R

I was unaware that my headache issue, neck pain, and back pain were related. I visited Elevation Health to try chiropractic care, and a chiropractor has done spinal manipulation that healed all my health issues. Elevation Health has a great team of chiropractors.

Website Testimonial Image   Gail W

What We Help

Our Doctors are experts in helping you find the right solution for your pain.

Numbness causes a tingling sensation in your arms, hands, legs or feet. When you sit with your legs crossed or fall asleep on your arms
