The Causes Of Numbness and Chiropractic Treatment

Numbness and tingling sensations are very common, and you feel these sensations in your toes, feet, legs, hands, and more. Although tingling and numbness are pronounced together, they are different sensations. Paresthesia is a feeling of pins and needles on your skin. It also causes an insensate feeling on your hands and arms when you fall asleep. Dysesthesia is a less common sensation, and it causes a persistent feeling of itching or pain similar to the burning sensation, electric shock, and tightening. If you suffer from this issue, you can consult with a chiropractor. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor who treats pain complications without medicines or surgeries.

Chiropractic care is a safe approach for your health. It does not need medicines or surgical choices to treat your complications. A licensed chiropractor performs an adjustment on your back to align spines that alleviate your pain and other complications. It is a holistic approach that takes care of your complete health. Visit an experienced chiropractor to treat your complications. 

The causes of tingling and numbness:

Paresthesia is developed due to the reduced flow of blood in your body parts. External pressure that restricts normal blood flow can cause the issue. When your nervous system gets injured, it also causes numbness and tingling sensation. When neck injury causes neck pain, it can also cause numbness and tingling sensation in your hands or arms. If you have a lower back injury, you will get a tingling sensation in the back of your leg.

A chiropractor will perform a physical study to find out the origin of the pain and tingling sensation. It is the best approach for your health. Since a chiropractor does not prescribe medicines and other surgical options, it is the best health choice for you. Meet Dr Brian Nantais for your treatment. He is an experienced chiropractor who performs chiropractic care in a safe way.

Why do you feel numbness and tingling?

Restriction in certain nerves causes these sensations. Herniated discs or other health conditions, such as arthritis, spinal stenosis, or spondylolisthesis, can pinch, entrap, irritate, and compress nerves. 

Other causes are:

  1. Enlarged blood vessels
  2. Tumours
  3. Carpal tunnel syndrome
  4. Migraines
  5. Sciatica
  6. Trauma, and more.

Are these sensations serious?

Paresthesia, which causes pins and needles sensation, is rarely serious. Dysesthesia is a less common condition, but it is a sign of severe nerve damage or chronic conditions. If you have tingling or numbness in your back, neck, and shoulders, it is the cause of concern for your health.

How does a chiropractor help you?

A chiropractor performs a thorough examination to identify the right cause of tingling and numbness.

They perform an array of tests, including:

  1. Muscle tests
  2. Neurological tests
  3. Orthopaedic tests
  4. Range of motion tests

When the underlying cause is identified, a chiropractor plans the right treatment choice that offers great relief from complications. They perform adjustments to improve your nerve functions.

The common treatment plan includes:

  1. Chiropractic adjustment
  2. Spinal manipulation
  3. Fractioning
  4. Deep-tissue management

With these treatment techniques, your chiropractor treats your pain and improve body functions. To learn more about chiropractic care, you can meet Nantais Family Chiropractic. You can also visit Elevation Health to meet an experienced chiropractor. Elevation Health is a chiropractic clinic in Tecumseh, Essex County. Visit us to know more.

Numbness causes a tingling sensation in your arms, hands, legs or feet. When you sit with your legs crossed or fall asleep on your arms
