
Numbness and tingling types of sensations can be due to spinal nerves being ‘pinched’ or ‘irritated’. 

Spinal nerves coming out of the vertebrae of the spine can move out of alignment or just not be moving properly at all, which causes irritation on the nerves, resulting in numbness or tingling sensations in the head, face, shoulders, butt, or down the arms or legs. 

Due to longstanding misalignment, degeneration of the discs can occur faster, and these damaged or even bulging discs can irritate the nerves as well.  

Thorough chiropractors may be able to decipher the cause of these sensations by analyzing the spine and its alignment.  Chiropractic may help you to avoid heavy medications or surgery.

Here at Elevation Health, we use advanced postural and digital x-ray analysis to first be certain of the cause of your problem, and then use state of the art adjusting and a spinal remodeling program to correct those causes without drugs or invasive surgery.

Whether you are here in Windsor/Tecumseh or anywhere else in Essex County, dysfunction in your musculoskeletal system does not discriminate. Anyone can benefit from the healing attributes of chiropractic care in order to provide relief from any form of discomfort that one undergoes when they have a misaligned spine, back, or neck. 

Schedule an appointment today at Elevation Health if you are serious about potentially feeling great, and functioning better, getting back to doing the things that you enjoy, and elevating your health.

Numbness causes a tingling sensation in your arms, hands, legs or feet. When you sit with your legs crossed or fall asleep on your arms
