The Right Treatment For Your Numb Fingers

Numbness in your fingers or hands is a very common condition, and it occurs due to your limbs falling asleep. You may also experience that pins and needles pricking your limbs. You will experience numbness in your fingers or hands while sitting for long periods, crossing your legs, sleeping on your arms, and activities that disturb your blood flow. Let an experienced chiropractor diagnose your health complication to avoid mistaken assumptions like issues. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor who helps you treat your complication from its root.

Numb fingers can be the symptom of various health complications. So, you need an experienced chiropractor for diagnosing the right complications.

Carpal tunnel syndrome:

When the median nerve that enters your hand through a tunnel made of wrist bones gets compromised, it causes numb fingers, especially your thumb, index, and middle finger. The numbness will get worse at night. In case of severe carpal tunnel syndrome, you will experience weakness in your thumb muscles. All of these symptoms are very much similar to cervical radiculopathy.

Finding the right health issue that causes numbness in your finger is essential. Only an experienced chiropractor treats your complications. Consult with Nantais Family Chiropractic to take care of your health.

Cervical radiculopathy:

When the nerve from your neck gets irritated due to compression or inflammation, it causes cervical radiculopathy. The conditions that cause these issues are cervical herniated disc, cervical spinal stenosis, cervical degenerative disc disease.

Due to the damaged nerve, it causes numbness in your hands. The symptoms match carpal tunnel syndrome.

Rheumatoid arthritis:

It is caused by painful and swollen joints. The common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are tender and swollen joints, and the surface skin become red and warm to the touch. You can consult with an experienced chiropractor for treating such health conditions. Rheumatoid arthritis also causes numbness and tingling sensation in your finger.

Getting the right diagnosis is an essential thing. Only an experienced chiropractor treats your health complications really well. Nantais Family Chiropractic has the best solution for your health. No matter how severe your complication is, our chiropractor will treat your health problems very well.

Finding the right diagnosis is important because numb fingers can be caused by several reasons. A chiropractor will check your medical history and examine your health complications.

How does a chiropractor treat your complication?

Chiropractic exercises can relieve your health complications. An experienced chiropractor will suggest a few exercises that concentrate on releasing tension and pressure from your nerves. Some common chiropractic exercises are the brachial plexus slide, median nerve slide, and more.

The brachial plexus slide reduces the symptom of numbness in your fingers and hands. It includes a few steps, which your chiropractor will teach you very well. Consult with an experienced chiropractor for your treatment. Dr Brian Nantais will help you treat your numbness and the loss of sensation. He is an experienced chiropractor and has years of experience in the field. Please consult with us for more details.

Numbness causes a tingling sensation in your arms, hands, legs or feet. When you sit with your legs crossed or fall asleep on your arms
